Ride2School Day 2012


Ride2School is a program that was started in Australia, and it’s one that we may want to join this year.

The Ride2School Program work with families, communities, policy-makers and partner organisations so that students are able to ride, walk, skate or scoot to school.

What does Ride2School stand for?
* Helping kids build the skills, know-how and confidence to ride or walk to school, and beyond.
What’s in it for schools?
* We offer practical, and wherever possible tailored, strategies, guidance and advice to create active, healthy kids in-school and out-of-school.
* Member schools will enjoy a reputation for offering active, healthy learning opportunities.

The amount of resources this site provides makes it easy to participate. From how to get the local media involved to informing parents and addressing barriers, it’s all covered.

Ride 2 School Day is a great first step to promote activity in your community. As you begin to celebrate these events, you can move to more habit creating things like Walking Wheeling Wednesdays.

Make every Wednesday a Walking Wheeling Wednesday! The aim of nominating one day of the week as a day of active travel, is to create longer-term, habitual changes in active travel frequency. You can make each Walking Wheeling Wednesday as big or small as you like. It is a great way to keep the momentum going throughout the year and establish an active travel culture.

March 23rd, 2012, 150,000+ students will participate in Australia. Think we can coordinate an event by then? The website has everything we need to do it. It has information and resources for everyone involved including parents, teachers, students, and volunteers! There really is something for everyone. What a great way to get the entire community involved in physical health!

It doesn’t have to be just schools either. Pick a day where you challenge everyone in the office to walk or bike to work. See how many people you can get involved.  With the weather warming up, I think next Friday is going to be a very successful Ride2School (or work)  Day!

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